Have Culinary Training Society
374 Powell St, Vancouver BC V6A 1G4
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In the heart of Canada’s poorest postal code, Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (DTES), you can enjoy a delicious, locally sourced, value-priced meal at HAVE Cafe knowing that you are directly supporting the great work of the HAVE Culinary Training Society.

Committed to giving people a hand up rather than a handout, HAVE (Hope Action Values Ethics) is a non-profit registered charity and social enterprise that provides food-service job training and work opportunities to individuals in Vancouver who experience barriers to employment. HAVE’s students are youth and adults facing mental and physical disabilities, poverty, addiction, and homelessness.

HAVE offers affordable, quality catering to businesses and non-profits – including childcare centres and homeless shelters – across Vancouver and the Lower Mainland.Both the cafe and catering services provide students with valuable hands-on training opportunities and all proceeds are used to fund the HAVE culinary job training and placement programs.

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