
I offer a complete range of personalized accounting services and business advice for owner managed business in the West Kootenays.

New Business
For a new business I can help you decide whether the business should be incorporated or start off as a proprietorship. I can help you decide on share structure for your corporation and liaise with your legal team.

I can help the new business owner select appropriate accounting software and guide you through registering your new business with the various tax authorities.

Financial Statements
I can offer the business owner an appropriate level of assurance on their financial statements. I provide either Review Engagement Services or Notice to Reader financial statements. For many corporations, the main focus of preparing financial statements is to provide the information necessary to file the corporate tax return making the added expense of a Review Engagement unnecessary.

Corporate tax returns
I will prepare the corporate tax return as an integral part of the corporate year end.

Personal Tax Returns
I have been preparing personal tax returns for three decades. If you have a rental property, unincorporated business income, investment income or a simple tax return, I can help you when it comes time to file your personal tax return.

Procedures Manuals
Even if you have been in business for a number of years, it is a good idea to review your financial procedures. I can help you prepare a procedures manual to assist in training new staff and identify opportunities to streamline your bookkeeping workflow. I can teach you how to you analyze the information you need to manage your business effectively.


Diana Haschke
2319 Annable Rd (enter from West Rd)
Nelson, BC V1L 6K4
P: (250) 825-9530

Mailing Address: Box 489 Nelson, BC V1L 5R3