Lisa is very knowledgeable and talented. She shows great patience and really cares about her clients. My son loves it when it's time to "go see Lisa!" She makes it more fun and less like drills to encourage speech and language.
Lisa is such a pleasure to deal with and excellent with children. She tailors each session towards my son's needs, making notes and all the while keeping me (the mom) in the know on any helpful hints that she may be using. My son loves visiting her and his progress has been extremely remarkable. Everyone, EVERYONE! comments on how much progress he has made. We are so very happy with our choice of Lisa that we refused to change to another therapist when we found out that she was not available on Saturdays. She is intelligent and articulate and the children love her. Her office is conveniently located near main highways with tons of parking. it has given us such comfort and delight to see our son talking in long sentences. My 102-yr grandmother was extremely concerned and she is now greatly relieved as well! Thank you so, so much, Lisa!