Now recognized for resume excellence as a Master Resume Writer




 New Leaf Supports:

In 2014, New Leaf Resumes supported charity:water, Wikemedia Foundation, Heart and Stroke, The LeeJay Levene Community Support Connection Fundraiser, TVO, and Friends of Canadian Broadcasting.




FREE Career Advice on Resumes, Interviews, Dream Job, Executive Careers, Job Hunting
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Welcome! to New Leaf Resumes, a leading Canadian resume writing service dedicated to composing strategic, interview-generating resumes and providing interview coaching that lands job offers. We de-stress the job hunt.

I'm pleased to have you visit and invite you to explore my website. Do take a moment to read a few journal entries, an article or two, and make sure you take a look at the posted resume samples.

Who You Will Work With

  • A multi-certified, award-winning, and published resume writer - you will work directly with a recognized industry expert.

Job hunting can be confusing, time consuming, demoralizing. Information on the internet can be contradictory or plain wrong. Working with an expert ensures that your time is spent wisely, that your steps are effective, and that you are on the quickest path to employment.

What Clients Say

A recent client eloquently summed up what I so often hear from clients. In "Rob's" words:

"Having been 'restructured' after 23 years with one employer, I found myself ill-prepared  with a very out-dated resume for the daunting task at hand.  Fortunately, upon a friend's recommendation I enlisted Stephanie's expertise. 
Stephanie doesn't  just write you a superbly crafted honest resume, she engages you in a thought provoking, confidence building process to turn a 'New Leaf' on your future.  Money well spent."


I Work For You

I love my work and I am on a mission to help each of my clients land the right job. I truly believe that everyone deserves meaningful work.

Delighting each client,  reinvigorating each job search, restoring lost confidence, providing reasoned and seasoned advice -- these are my goals, and what I do best.  

Leveraging my own talent in writing, skill in developing a job search strategy, and knowledge of Human Resources and recruitment, I have dedicated my work to helping job hunters land interviews and offers.

How the Process Works

Perhaps you are considering hiring an expert to work on your behalf and are wondering what you should expect? My service is comprehensive; it is not a next day service. I am skilled in developing content that clearly showcases your bottom-line value, identifying your workplace contributions with language meaningful to the recruiter.

Because I love variety and truly enjoy helping everyone who is serious about his or her career, I work with a broad range of clients. Tradespeople, professionals, new grads ... creating effective resumes up to and including developing an executive-level professional portfolio.

I believe in the power of the written word. There is no room for mediocrity if writing is to generate interviews! Ready to energize your job search? Give me a call at 855-550-5627.

Be assured that our work is confidential, and your documents will be completely truthful to your experience. This link explains in detail what to expect!

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