I had a Costco employee be aggressive to me in parking lot when I asked him while he was picking up carts if I could give him mine. He said he didn't want my cart so I proceeded to place the cart where I found it on the curb in front of my car. He ran over to grab the cart and almost hit my car, than proceeded to stand behind my vehicle so I could not exit. I was so upset that I left but I should have went back into the store to complain. I have been trying to call the store but no answer.
Terrible experience. Everything was going great as usual until my husband and I ran into some cashier in a horrible mood! Never in my life have I experienced such awful customer service. This cashier was unfriendly, impolite, and completely rushed us and acted as though it was the worst job she had ever worked. Don't think that we will be going back after that experience.
I think her name was Sue although we did not get her last name. I suggest avoiding her line and avoid the headache afterward. We will be calling head office after this!